base for the sonic and visual co-creations of Heather and Sammy Chong Salazar and friends. A recording club including Solar Maximum, PALLAS, DS Peligro, closetLames, Her Majesty theE Spleen, and Leather Pills! Everyone's a secret nerd. Everyone's a closetlame!...Doing IT together since 1995!
Dispatch 32: Solar Maximum is the featured interview this week on Steve O'Sullivan's podcast called Bay Area Band Show released at iTunes. We went over to his place in San Mateo, sat in front of the mics and talk for a bit about what we do and kinda how we do it. He plays some music off the new album as well as the single Circular Logic. Thanks Steve, we had a blast.
He's always interested in talking with musicians in and around the bay area, hit him up at
Dispatch 31: Another astounding track has been produced using the set of tracks (Solar Selfies) we made available as a project for different artists to play too, with, for, about etc. to see what kinda unique music come out of each artists approach. We have been duly impressed ever time!
This time we asked the "Dali of Guitar Noise," Mr Bill Boethius to take a stab. Maxed Out is the track he gave (and named)! Full of texture and screaming guitars, the track explodes...a few times!
Give it a listen and then maybe listen again! Have fun.
Here is a playlist of all the collaboration tracks we have made available thus far.
Dispatch 30: Hello everyone, we are very excited to announce the release thru our Soundcloud page of a new collaboration track by Solar Maximum with Trauma called The Ravens Eye. Bill Boethius says about this track, "...great textures...and...awe inspiring riffage." Once again, Trauma took a track, worked his magic and what we offer here is the result. We hope you enjoy it!
Here is a playlist of thge collaboration track released so far.
[For your Sunday afternoon reading and/or viewing pleasure, we
present vol.4 of THE SUNDAY EDITION at Music for closetLames.
A bit of this, a bit that, maybe art, whatev's. May include contributions from friends, associates, accomplices, not to exclude detractors, and maybe even us
sometimes. So, kick back and dig in...]
(Page 1)
A poem By Heather Salazar
Oh yes - the city sound
It fills up in aroud you
carries you down
slick black gum dotted
sidewalks like a river
it muffles, screetches and clicks
is greater than the sum
of its hearts
the sun of its heart
it heaves and moans
drowns out
the sounds
of ancient voices ancient vices
oh it rises up
crests and pulls us under
crashes around as
you sit with your coffee
going cold
as you sip with your
heart going cold
and it buzzes there
about four feet high
like a cloud like fog
you can wrap up in it
wrap it up
and there's nothing like it when it stops
oh you can hear it
you can sing it to me
send it to me
we can harmonize rise above
rise with it
we can ride it
oh yes find
the right corner and it
- the sound -
will resonate just right
to drown out
anxiety, mistakes
all that crap you ate
the crap you hate
it will make you forget
how to fake
forget to make way
to plan your escape
(Page 3): The JFK Assasination
I've always been interested in the fateful events of Nov 22, 1963 in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Tx. Presented here are a couple of podcasts by professor Jerry Kroth from Santa Clara University that really shed a lot of light on the events of that day. I hope you enjoy them. -Sammy
[For your Sunday afternoon reading and/or viewing pleasure, we
present vol.3 of THE SUNDAY EDITION at Music for closetLames.
A bit of this, a bit that, maybe art, whatev's. May include contributions from friends, associates, accomplices, not to exclude detractors, and maybe even us
sometimes. So, kick back and dig in...]
(Page 1): More prose from the twisted mind and pen of John Middle.
A precedent
a funeral pyre.
A lawyers recurring dream...
A digital glitsch...
Over driven in solid state...
A march of skinny pennies...
A sonnet sung
in machine code...
Victories made of
and boredom.
We are RIGHT
They are WRONG
(STOLEN from poems and forced into hard labor by Matthew Bender TM)
A rainbow
scorched black and
Technicalities and leverage.
Your child is starving.
Mine is anorexic.
A future unlimited
Cast into irons.
and writhing.
Justice cost
an arm
and a leg.
not an option....
hopping mad.
That sound?
HEX cast.
S and M
it hurts
Love distracts
Brown shirt.
A submarine
An eye
of GOAT.
(Page 2): Ramones Live New Years Eve 1977. (Ramones - Its Alive!) My favorite Ramones concert.
(Page 3): Her Majesty thee Spleen...We play for the orbs. Often times at jams we are accompanied by orbs who come out to dance to the hypnotic sounds of the Spleen. This is a fine example of the spectacle. Any thoughts?