Friday, April 15, 2016

New collaboration and a partial explanation of how we work

Check it out...we just posted this new collaboration on Soundcloud between Solar Maximum and PallasCatfight, called 'I know this is all in my head.'

 'But wait,' you're thinking to yourself, 'isn't PallasCatfight Heather?'
  Why yes, it is (she is?).
  'Sooooo, wouldn't this just be a Solar Maximum track?' you're thinking to yourself.
  Weeeellllll, not really, and here's why...

Solar Maximum is a middle-of-the-night channeling of the sounds, songs, and signals of the cosmos. It is Sammy and Heather but beyond Sammy and Heather. It is beyond thought, beyond a way, it's out of our hands. It has a purity that we don't. HA. It has balance - Sammy and Heather in equal proportions. And so, if the mood strikes to add anything to this cosmic collage, we call it a collaboration. Conveniently, we both have musical alter egos (Sammy is closetLames, Heather is PallasCatfight).

Yeah yuh!

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